Friday 8 December 2017

Weekly or Intensive Driving Lessons

For many, the thought of taking driving lessons is a terrifying prospect.

Many people have consistently busy schedules until they feel forced to sit in with an instructor and finally face the driving test. Couple that with the many horror stories that exist about the driving test and the examiners, and it's no wonder people procrastinate the way they do.

The best way around this is face it and be regular with driving lessons, and / or take an intensive course of lessons over a shorter period of time.

The case for both is presented here.

Weekly Lessons

Most people on average take about two hours per week of driving lessons which serves them on several levels.

1. It is not so demanding

2. People can budget over a longer term and therefore can afford it more easily

3. They feel they need not concern themselves as much as they "don't have to perform tomorrow"

4. They can study, practice and pass the theory test in the duration of taking lessons

5. Finally when they get there they may feel like they have had a massive amount of experience as they started several months ago and it's the end of a long haul.

On average this method can be both helpful and unhelpful at the same time.

Most people taking two hours per week will spend on average about six months learning and perfecting their driving, before finally going for test. This can equate to 40 to 45 plus hours training for the average individual.

If the plan is only for an hour a week, you could easily add 50 percent of that time on top, sometimes people can take a year at one hourly lesson per week.

Please of course do not take this as gospel as people vary in learning cognitive and psychomotor abilities, in other words their thoughts and coordination, or attitude and skill controlling ability, the skills you use in the car.

Intensive Lessons

People who take semi intensive, or purely intensive lessons will spend between six to 30 hours, sometimes more with an instructor, learning and mastering car control skills.

This can be incredibly productive.

1. Your focus, and therefore your results are more easily achieved.

2. Your instructor can guide you more efficiently through the whole process

3. You may spend less money throughout the whole process

4. Your memory retention of the necessary information will be much better

5. Generally it is noticed the attitude toward driving improves greatly

6. The whole process is a much shorter period of time

To be ready for an intensive course of lessons, you must feel that you are ready to pass your theory test soon, or preferably have passed it already. This allows you to book the driving test as close to the finish of your intensive course as is possible.

Communication with your instructor is always important, even more so when you are taking intensive lessons.

Allay your fears with regards to spending several hours a day with an instructor; it is a very positive and engaging experience. A pleasant experience you will remember for many years.

We look forward to helping you succeed!

If you want to take driving lessons in Leeds or to pass your driving test quickly, then the best route to take is through an intensive driving course in Leeds. We have weekly courses available, and you could soon have your very own driving licence in as little as 2 weeks. We have a selection of female driving instructors in Leeds with special offers in Leeds, but you need to be quick - offers end at the end of the month!

Article Source: Article Source: Click here to see original article

Weekly or Intensive Driving Lessons

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